Observation/Job Shadow
Catalyst Medical Group – Lewiston Orthopedics & Valley Medical Center

Whether you're exploring a career in medicine or simply curious about the healthcare field, our job shadowing program at Catalyst Medical Group offers a valuable opportunity to learn about different medical specialties and patient care.

Please review the program details and requirements below and complete the provided form to submit your application for placement.

Requesting Clinical Placement
Clinical placement must be requested through a Catalyst Medical Group/Valley Medical Center student coordinator by completing the online application below. Please complete a separate application for each rotation.

Clinical placement at Catalyst Medical Group is not guaranteed for any student.
Currently, there are more student requests than providers available to teach. Clinical placement decisions are based on multiple criteria. Priority placement is given to Catalyst Medical Group employees and students who are seeking to find job placement in rural Idaho.

Application Deadline
30 days prior to clinical start date.

Contacting Providers and Staff
Do not send mass communications to providers, nurses, or staff at Catalyst Medical Group requesting clinical placement. If you know a provider or nurse professionally or personally and would like to schedule a rotation with them, please indicate their name on the application. A Catalyst Medical Group student coordinator will verify if they are available. Submission of your application signifies agreement with this stipulation.


  • All patient information is confidential, and you must not share it outside the department.
  • Photographs and video recordings are strictly prohibited.
    Should you be observing in a clinical situation and encounter a patient, the patient must verbally consent to your presence (standard procedure).
  • In certain areas and/or situations, you may be asked to "step out" due to the sensitive nature of the work.
  • Do not ask patients, families, or staff for information related to patient conditions, family, or other personal situations.
  • If a patient discloses information to you that is of importance or concern, relay it to a Catalyst Medical Group staff member as soon as possible.
  • Be aware of your conversations in public spaces (i.e., elevators, lobby, hallways).

Appropriate Attire
Please dress appropriately, yet comfortably during your time with us. Dress in business casual clothing with closed toe shoes and socks. Tank tops, shorts, revealing clothing, scrubs, sweatpants, hats, or offensive logo items are not permitted. Limit your perfume, cologne, and aftershave lotion; these fragrances are often offensive to someone who is sick.

During your observation, your cell phone should be left in your car or at home.

Student Coordinator
LeAnna Dudley

1. Who is completing this request?

2. Applicant Information


3. Emergency Contact

5. What time frame or dates are you looking to observe?

7. What days are you available?
8. Are you receiving classroom credit?
11. Statement: I agree to abide by the rules, regulations, and policies of Catalyst Medical Group/Valley Medical Center and will conduct myself professionally and with integrity. I will maintain strict confidentiality re: patient and family information.